Canned Vegetable Juice is a popular juice beverage, made mostly of mixed vegetables and available now in the ready to drink form, packed in cans. Major players in Canned Vegetable Juice industry are: KGA Supermarket Inc., Star foods Inc., Tropicana International, General Nutrition Inc., Fresh Direct Inc., and Sycom Inc., VIA Natural Markets, LLC and Green Valley Market, Inc. They dominate the market through marketing strategies such as endorsements, price wars, and by offering "FREE" samples to gain sales. They are also big on branding and spend millions on ads like television commercials, magazine ads, direct mail campaigns, websites, and billboards. While consumers have become savvy to the taste and quality of fresh juice, companies continue to invest millions in product awareness and promotions. They rely on consumer loyalty and continue to find creative ways to enhance the appeal.

The industry is segmented into three major categories: juice drinks, frozen vegetable smoothies, and concentrated juices. Juice drinks contain a variety of fruits and vegetables with little to no vegetables in them. Smoothies are made from concentrate and are considered a pure juice beverage. Concentrated juices, generally containing one or two vegetables, is typically considered a full serving.

With so many choices in the market it is important that buyers are aware of the key nutrients present in various types of vegetables. There is no substitute for a full serving of vegetables when it comes to getting essential vitamins and minerals in our body. The best way to get all the vitamins and minerals needed is to consume fresh produce. This helps ensure that we get the right amount of vitamin c, beta carotene, folic acid, magnesium, niacin, potassium, and other important nutrients. Research has shown that consuming vitamin c enriched vegetables can reduce the risk of stroke and coronary artery disease.

There is a wide range of vegetable juices that are low in sodium. One example is the unflavored herbal kale. It contains very little sodium, but is high in protein, fiber, and several other minerals. The antioxidant activity of kale has been proven. If you like your health vitamin C, this is the best choice as it is the highest level of vitamin C.

Working of Canned Juicer

A canned juicer works best in transforming leafy greens into a high quality vegetable juice. To make a fresh juice cocktail, it is best to use a hand operated blender. Blenders can be found at any good health food store. Vegetable juice cocktail recipes can also be found on the internet. For those who do not have time to create their own juice cocktail many companies will ship these juices to their customers.

Some of the key players in the healthy living and fitness world are the University of North America (UNCA) and eHealth, which are marketing programs that aim to get you healthier. These programs are supported by major corporations such as kale extractors, Vitaflo, and Southern Natural Nutrition. This is part of the "Energizing Food and Energy Project" that the UNCA is involved in. The program has several key players including Southern Natural nutrition which markets the e-book, and Covid-19 which manufactures the popular covid product line. Both of these companies promote the idea of blending the vegetables to make a healthy juice, called colloidal.

Canned vegetable juice production is still growing and becoming more popular. Many of the big companies in the juice industry have made deals with the UNCA and eHarmony to market their products. This is part of their commitment to continue supporting the Healthy North American Living Standards.

Canned veggies are not going away. The market size is growing and it's projected to continue growing for at least the next five years. Canned vegetable producers like Covid-19 and eHarmony are going to continue promoting the product and pushing it into more markets. Over time they should start to see a consistent increase in market size and profit from the venture.